gfoRmula - Parametric G-Formula
Implements the non-iterative conditional expectation
(NICE) algorithm of the g-formula algorithm (Robins (1986)
<doi:10.1016/0270-0255(86)90088-6>, HernĂ¡n and Robins (2024,
ISBN:9781420076165)). The g-formula can estimate an outcome's
counterfactual mean or risk under hypothetical treatment
strategies (interventions) when there is sufficient information
on time-varying treatments and confounders. This package can be
used for discrete or continuous time-varying treatments and for
failure time outcomes or continuous/binary end of follow-up
outcomes. The package can handle a random measurement/visit
process and a priori knowledge of the data structure, as well
as censoring (e.g., by loss to follow-up) and two options for
handling competing events for failure time outcomes.
Interventions can be flexibly specified, both as interventions
on a single treatment or as joint interventions on multiple
treatments. See McGrath et al. (2020)
<doi:10.1016/j.patter.2020.100008> for a guide on how to use
the package.